LispWorks Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual > 2 FLI Types > 2.1 Immediate types


2.1.1 Integral types

Integral types are the FLI types that represent integers. They consist of the following: :int, :byte, :long, :short, :signed, :unsigned and :enum, along with integer types converting to types with particular sizes defined by ISO C99 such as :int8, :uint64 and :intmax.

Integral types can be combined in a list for readability and compatibility purposes with the foreign language, although when translated to Lisp such combinations are usually returned as a Lisp integer , or a fixnum for byte sized combinations. For example, a C unsigned long can be represented in the FLI as an (:unsigned :long) .

LispWorks Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 21 Dec 2009
