1 Introduction
1.1 Using the editor within LispWorks
1.1.1 About this manual
2 General Concepts
2.1 Window layout
2.1.1 Windows and panes
2.1.2 Files and buffers
2.1.3 The mode line
2.2 Buffer locations
2.2.1 Points
2.2.2 Marks
2.2.3 Regions
2.3 Modes
2.4 Text handling concepts
2.4.1 Words
2.4.2 Sentences
2.4.3 Paragraphs
2.5 Executing commands
2.5.1 Keys -- Ctrl and Alt
2.5.2 Two ways to execute commands
2.5.3 Prefix arguments
2.6 Basic editing commands
2.6.1 Aborting commands and processes
2.6.2 File handling
2.6.3 Inserting text
2.6.4 Movement
2.6.5 Deleting and killing text
2.6.6 Undoing
2.6.7 Killing and Yanking
2.6.8 Help
3 Command Reference
3.1 Aborting commands and processes
3.2 Executing commands
3.3 Help
3.3.1 The help command
3.4 Prefix arguments
3.5 File handling
3.5.1 Finding files
3.5.2 Saving files
3.5.3 Auto-saving files
3.5.4 Backing-up files on saving
3.5.5 Miscellaneous file operations
3.6 Movement
3.7 Marks and regions
3.7.1 Marks
3.7.2 Regions
3.8 Locations
3.9 Deleting and killing text
3.9.1 Deleting Text
3.9.2 Killing text
3.10 Inserting text
3.11 Delete Selection
3.12 Undoing
3.13 Case conversion
3.14 Transposition
3.15 Overwriting
3.16 Indentation
3.17 Filling
3.17.1 Fill commands
3.17.2 Auto-fill mode
3.18 Buffers
3.19 Windows
3.20 Pages
3.21 Searching and replacing
3.21.1 Searching
3.21.2 Regular expression searching
3.21.3 Replacement
3.22 Comparison
3.23 Registers
3.24 Modes
3.24.1 Major modes
3.24.2 Minor modes
3.24.3 Default modes
3.24.4 Defining modes
3.25 Abbreviations
3.26 Keyboard macros
3.27 Echo area operations
3.27.1 Completing commands
3.27.2 Repeating echo area commands
3.27.3 Movement in the echo area
3.27.4 Deleting and inserting text in the echo area
3.28 Editor variables
3.29 Recursive editing
3.30 Key bindings
3.31 Running shell commands from the editor
3.32 Buffers, windows and the mouse
3.32.1 Buffers and windows
3.32.2 Actions involving the mouse
3.33 Miscellaneous
4 Editing Lisp Programs
4.1 Automatic entry into lisp mode
4.2 Syntax coloring
4.3 Functions and definitions
4.3.1 Movement, marking and specifying indentation
4.3.2 Definition searching
4.3.3 Tracing functions
4.3.4 Function callers and callees
4.3.5 Indentation and Completion
4.3.6 Miscellaneous
4.4 Forms
4.4.1 Movement, marking and indentation
4.4.2 Killing forms
4.4.3 Macro-expansion of forms
4.4.4 Miscellaneous
4.5 Lists
4.5.1 Movement
4.7 Parentheses
4.8 Documentation
4.9 Evaluation and compilation
4.9.1 General Commands
4.9.2 Evaluation commands
4.9.3 Evaluation in Listener commands
4.9.4 Compilation commands
4.10 Breakpoints
4.10.1 Setting and removing breakpoints
4.10.2 Moving between breakpoints
4.11 Removing definitions
4.11.1 Undefining one definition
4.11.2 Removing multiple definitions
5 Emulation
5.1 Using Microsoft Windows editor emulation
5.2 Key bindings
5.2.1 Finding the keys
5.2.2 Modifying the Key Bindings
5.2.3 Accessing Emacs keys
5.2.4 The Alt modifier and editor bindings
5.3 Replacing the current selection
5.4 Emulation in Applications
6 Advanced Features
6.1 Customizing default key bindings
6.2 Customizing Lisp indentation
6.3 Programming the editor
6.3.1 Calling editor functions
6.3.2 Defining commands
6.3.3 Buffers Buffer locking Buffer operations
6.3.4 Points
6.3.5 The echo area
6.3.6 Editor errors
6.3.7 Files File encodings in the editor Non base-char errors Choosing the encoding to use
6.3.8 Inserting text
6.3.9 Indentation
6.3.10 Lisp
6.3.11 Movement
6.3.12 Prompting the user
6.3.13 In-place completion
6.3.14 Variables
6.3.15 Windows
6.3.16 Examples Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
6.4 Editor source code
6.4.1 Contents
6.4.2 Source location
6.4.3 Guidelines for use of the editor source code
LispWorks Editor User Guide (Windows version) - 22 Dec 2009