LispWorks Editor User Guide > 3 Command Reference


3.23 Registers

Locations and regions can be saved in registers . Each register has a name, and reference to a previously saved register is by means of its name. The name of a register, which consists of a single character, is case-insensitive.

Point to Register

Editor Command

Arguments: name
Key sequence: Ctrl+X / name

Saves the location of the current point in a register called name , where name is a single character.

Save Position is a synonym for Point to Register .

Jump to Register

Editor Command

Arguments: name
Key sequence: Ctrl+X J name

Moves the current point to a location previously saved in the register called name .

Jump to Saved Position and Register to Point are both synonyms for Jump to Register .

Kill Register

Editor Command

Arguments: name
Key sequence: None

Kills the register called name .

List Registers

Editor Command

Arguments: None
Key sequence: None

Lists all existing registers.

Copy to Register

Editor Command

Arguments: name
Key sequence: Ctrl+X X name

Saves the region between the mark and the current point to the register called name .

Put Register is a synonym for Copy to Register .

Insert Register

Editor Command

Arguments: name
Key sequence: Ctrl+X G name

Copies the region from the register called name to the current point.

Get Register is a synonym for Insert Register .

LispWorks Editor User Guide (Macintosh version) - 22 Dec 2009
