LispWorks Delivery User Guide > 1 Introduction > 1.4 A breakdown of the delivery process


1.4.4 Delivering your compiled application

Once your application is ready, you can deliver it by loading it and then calling deliver. Note that this has to be done in a script, as described in Delivering the program.

deliver takes many keyword arguments for fine-tuning, but it is intended to work well with a minimal number of keywords. You should start by delivering with no more than the following keywords if required: :interface :capi , or :multiprocessing t . Only add other keywords when you find that they are needed.

You can also make LispWorks discard unused code, in order to reduce the delivered image size and thereby improve performance. You should not do this until your delivered application is working, though, because discarding certain code impedes debugging.

There is usually some trial-and-error work involved in delivering an application. You will almost certainly need to attempt delivery several times in order to find the best set of delivery parameters. This trial-and-error work is necessary because it is not possible for Delivery to work out for itself precisely what can and cannot be thrown out of an application. Because of this, you should allot time to delivery itself when planning your application's development.

A good set of delivery parameters should not be too lenient, leaving too much unused code in the delivered application. Nor should it be too severe, throwing necessary code out and thereby breaking the delivered application. It is expected that you will need to use no more than a few delivery keywords: if you find that you use more than 6 delivery keywords, please contact Lisp Support with details.

Delivery is covered in Delivering your Application.

Keywords to the Delivery Function, describes the keywords you can pass to the delivery function, deliver, that permit fine control over the delivery process.

LispWorks Delivery User Guide - 22 Dec 2009
