1.2 About the LispWorks ORB
Lispworks Ltd has written a CORBA-compliant, native-IIOP ORB in Common Lisp.
The LispWorks ORB will let you build and run distributed applications in Common Lisp, straight out of the box. When combined with a database interface, you are able to build three-tier, client-server applications completely in Common Lisp.
However, the
raison d'etre
of CORBA is interoperability. Hence, the choice of IIOP provides immediate interoperation with any other ORB you may be using. For example, given a Java ORB you could write GUI clients in AWT that communicate with servers written in Common Lisp. Conversely, given a C++ ORB you can build CAPI clients that talk to C++ servers.
The advantages of building an ORB in Common Lisp (apart from proving that Common Lisp can tackle another complex domain) are:
ORB-vendor independence - The LispWorks ORB can be married to any existing ORB infrastructure, or introduced first without affecting later ORB procurement decisions.
"Batteries included" - No need to purchase a separate ORB to get a full system. The LispWorks ORB provides "instant CORBA" to get distributed Common Lisp applications up and running without additional procurement or installation.
Lower impedance mismatch - No need to trampoline from Common Lisp to IIOP via another language binding or via a non-Common Lisp IIOP engine API.
CORBA expertise - A deeper understanding of CORBA inside Lispworks Ltd, which can be shared with our customers via technical support.
CORBA customization - Lispworks Ltd likes to offer a high level of customization support and consulting to both internal and external customers which it could not do with a third-party product written in a more primitive language. This also means faster fixes for basic bugs.
100% pure Common Lisp - Providing users with enhanced debugging and interaction facilities available in a homogeneous implementation model.
Developing Component Software with CORBA - 22 Dec 2009