LispWorks CAPI User Guide > 10 Prompting for Input > 10.3 Window-modal Cocoa dialogs


10.3.2 A dialog which is window-modal on Cocoa

To create a dialog which is window-modal on Cocoa, call the dialog function inside the macro with-dialog-results as in this example:

(with-dialog-results (symbol okp)
     "Enter a class-name symbol:"
     :ok-check #'(lambda (symbol)
                   (find-class symbol nil)))
  (when okp
    (display-message "symbol is ~S" symbol))

On Microsoft Windows, GTK+ and Motif this displays the dialog, calls display-message when the user clicks OK , and then returns. The effect is no different to what you saw in Prompting for Lisp objects.

On Cocoa, this creates a sheet and returns. display-message is called when the user clicks OK . The sheet is window-modal, unlike the sheet you saw in Prompting for Lisp objects.

For more details, see the page for with-dialog-results in the LispWorks CAPI Reference Manual .

LispWorks CAPI User Guide (Windows version) - 22 Dec 2009
