LispWorks CAPI User Guide > 10 Prompting for Input > 10.2 Prompting for values


10.2.3 Prompting for an item in a list

If you would like the user to select an item from a list of items, the function prompt-with-list should handle the majority of cases. The simplest form just passes a list to the function and expects a single item to be returned.

 '(:red :yellow :blue)
 "Select a color:")

Figure 10.5 A dialog prompting for a selection from a list

You can also specify the interaction style that you would like for your dialog, which can be any of the interactions accepted by a choice. The specification of the interaction style to this choice is made using the keyword argument :interaction :

 '(:red :yellow :blue)
 "Select a color:"
 :interaction :multiple-selection)

By default, the dialog is created using a list-panel to display the items, but the keyword argument :choice-class can be specified with any choice pane. Thus, for instance, you can present a list of buttons.

  '(:red :yellow :blue)
  "Select a color:"
  :interaction :multiple-selection
   :choice-class 'button-panel)

Figure 10.6 Selection from a button panel

Finally, as with any of the prompting functions, you can specify additional arguments to the pane that has been created in the dialog. Thus to create a column of buttons instead of the default row, use:

 '(:red :yellow :blue)
 "Select a color:"
 :interaction :multiple-selection
 :choice-class 'button-panel
 '(:layout-class column-layout))

Figure 10.7 Selection from a column of buttons

LispWorks CAPI User Guide (Windows version) - 22 Dec 2009
