A pane with a sliding marker, which allows the user to control a numerical value within a specified range.
class allows the user to enter a number by moving a marker on a sliding scale to the desired value.
determines whether the slider displays the current value. The default value is
Note: show-value-p is ignored on Microsoft Windows and Cocoa.
start-point specifies which end of the slider is the start point in the range. The values allowed depend on the orientation of the slider. For horizontal sliders, start-point can take these values:
The start point is on the left.
The start point is on the right.
The start point is at the default side (the left).
For vertical sliders, start-point can take these values:
The start point is at the top.
The start point is at the bottom.
The start point is at the default position, which is the top on Microsoft Windows and Motif, and the bottom on Cocoa.