
11.1.3 Memory requirements

To run the full LispWorks system, with its GUI, you will need around 20MB of swap space for the image and whatever else is necessary to accommodate your application.

When running a large image, you may occasionally see

<**> Failed to enlarge memory

printed to the standard output.

The message means that the LispWorks image attempted to expand one of the GC generations, but there was not enough swap space to accommodate the resulting growth in image size. When this happens, the garbage collector is invoked, and it will usually manage to free the required space.

Check the size of the image, both by cl:room and by OS facilities (such ps or top on *nix, Task Manager on Windows) to see if all the sizes are as expected. If there are large discrepencies, check them.

Occasionally, however, continued demand for additional memory will end up exhausting resources. You will then see the message above repeatedly, and there will be little or no other activity apparent in the image. At this point you should restart the image, or increase swap space. In cases where external libraries are mapped above LispWorks and inhibit its growth, you may be able to relocate LispWorks, as described under "Startup relocation" in the LispWorks User Guide .

LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide - 18 Mar 2008
