


Defines an Objective-C instance method for a specified class.




define-objc-method ( name result-type [ result-style ])
( object-argspec argspec *) form *

object-argspec ::= ( object-var class-name [ pointer-var ]))

argspec ::= ( arg-var arg-type [ arg-style ])



A string naming the method to define.


An Objective-C FLI type.


An optional keyword specifying the result conversion style, either :lisp or :foreign , or a symbol naming a variable.


A symbol naming a variable.


A symbol naming a class defined with define-objc-class.


An optional symbol naming a variable.


A symbol naming a variable.


An Objective-C FLI type.


An optional symbol or list specifying the argument conversion style.


A form.


The macro define-objc-method defines the Objective-C instance method name for the Objective-C classes associated with class-name . The name should be a concatenation of the message name and its argument names, including the colons, for example "setWidth:height:" .

If the define-objc-class definition of class-name specifies the (:objc-class-name objc-class-name ) option, then the method is added to the Objective-C class objc-class-name . Otherwise, the method is added to the Objective-C class of every subclass of class-name that specifies the :objc-class-name option, allowing a mixin class to define methods that become part of the implementation of its subclasses (see Abstract classes).

When the method is invoked, each form is evaluated in sequence with object-var bound to the object of type class-name associated with the receiver, pointer-var (if specified) bound to the receiver foreign pointer and each arg-var bound to the corresponding method argument.

Each argument has an arg-type (its Objective-C FLI type) and an optional arg-style , which specifies how the FLI value is converted to a Lisp value. If the arg-style is :foreign , then the arg-var is bound to the FLI value of the argument (typically an integer or foreign pointer). Otherwise, the arg-var is bound to a value converted according to the arg-type :


If arg-style is omitted or :lisp then the rectangle is converted to a vector of four elements of the form #( x y width height ) . Otherwise the argument is a foreign pointer to a ns-rect object.


If arg-style is omitted or :lisp then the size is converted to a vector of two elements of the form #( width height ) . Otherwise the argument is a foreign pointer to a ns-size object.


If arg-style is omitted or :lisp then the point is converted to a vector of two elements of the form #( x y ) . Otherwise the argument is a foreign pointer to a ns-point object.


If arg-style is omitted or :lisp then the range is converted to a cons of the form ( location . length ) . Otherwise the argument is a foreign pointer to a ns-range object.


If arg-style is the symbol string then the argument is assumed to be a pointer to an Objective-C NSString object and is converted to a Lisp string or nil for a null pointer.

If arg-style is the symbol array then the argument is assumed to be a pointer to an Objective-C NSArray object and is converted to a Lisp vector or nil for a null pointer.

If arg-style is the a list of the form (array elt-arg-style ) then the argument is assumed to be a pointer to an Objective-C NSArray object and is recursively converted to a Lisp vector using elt-arg-style for the elements or nil for a null pointer.

Otherwise, the argument remains as a foreign pointer to the Objective-C object.


If arg-style is the symbol string then the argument is assumed to be a pointer to a foreign string and is converted to a Lisp string or nil for a null pointer.

After the last form has been evaluated, its value is converted to result-type according to result-style and becomes the result of the method.

If result-style is a non-keyword symbol and the result-type is a foreign structure type defined with define-objc-struct then the variable named by result-style is bound to a pointer to a foreign object of type result-type while the form s are evaluated. The form s must set the slots in this foreign object to specify the result.

If result-style is : foreign then the value is assumed to be suitable for conversion to result-type using the normal FLI rules.

If result-style is : lisp then additional conversions are performed for specific values of result-type :


If the value is a vector of four elements of the form #( x y width height ) , the x , y , width and height are used to form the returned rectangle. Otherwise it is assumed to be a foreign pointer to a ns-rect and is copied.


If the value is a vector of two elements of the form #( width height ) , the width and height are used to form the returned size. Otherwise it is assumed to be a foreign pointer to a ns-size and is copied.


If the value is a vector of two elements of the form #( x y ) , the x and y are used to form the returned point. Otherwise it is assumed to be a foreign pointer to a ns-point and is copied.


If the value is a cons of the form ( location . length ) , the location and length are used to form the returned range. Otherwise it is assumed to be a foreign pointer to a ns-range object and is copied.

(:signed :char) or (:unsigned :char)

If the value is nil then NO is returned.If the value is t then YES is returned. Otherwise the value must be an appropriate integer for result-type .


If the value is a string then it is converted to a newly allocated Objective-C NSString object which the caller is expected to release.

If the value is a vector then it is recursively converted to a newly allocated Objective-C NSArray object which the caller is expected to release.

If the value is nil then a null pointer is returned.

Otherwise the value should be a foreign pointer to an Objective-C object of the appropriate class.


The value is coerced to a Objective-C class pointer as if by coerce-to-objc-class. In particular, this allows strings to be returned.

The form s can use functions such as invoke to invoke other methods on the pointer-var . The macro current-super can be used to obtain an object that allows methods in the superclass to be invoked (like super in Objective-C).

See also


LispWorks Objective-C and Cocoa Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 29 Feb 2008
