
1.3 Invoking Objective-C methods

Objective-C methods are associated with Objective-C objects or classes and are invoked by name with a specific set of arguments.

1.3.1 Simple calls to instance and class methods

1.3.2 Method naming

1.3.3 Special argument and result conversion

1.3.4 Invoking a method that returns a boolean

1.3.5 Invoking a method that returns a structure

1.3.6 Invoking a method that returns a string or array

1.3.7 Invoking a method that returns values by reference

1.3.8 Determining whether a method exists

1.3.9 Memory management

1.3.10 Selectors

LispWorks Objective-C and Cocoa Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 29 Feb 2008
