
2.2.1 Saving a new image

To save a new image, create a suitable file save-config.lisp as described in the section "Saving and testing the configured image" in the LispWorks Release Notes and Installation Guide . Such a file should call (load-all-patches) and then load any desired configuration, modules and application code, and lastly call save-image .

Then you run LispWorks with a command line which passes your file as an build script.

On Mac OS X, run to get a shell, and enter a line like this at the prompt:

% lispworks-5-1-0-macos-universal -build /tmp/save-config.lisp

On Windows, run Command Prompt to get a DOS shell, and enter a line like this:

C:\Program Files\LispWorks>lispworks-5-1-0-x86-win32.exe -build C:\temp\save-config.lisp

On Linux, get a shell and enter a line like this:

% lispworks-5-1-0-x86-linux -build /tmp/save-config.lisp

On UNIX, get a shell and enter a line like this:

% lispworks-5-1-0-sparc-solaris -build /tmp/save-config.lisp

When the command exits, a new image has been saved. You can run this new image directly from the command line, or create a shortcut or symbolic link to make it convenient to run.

With all the command lines above, if you perform the task frequently, make a script or a shortcut containing the command line, and run that.

LispWorks User Guide - 11 Mar 2008
