As with other Common LispWorks tools, choose
Works > Tools > Preferences...
or click
to display the Generic Function Browser Preferences dialog.
Using the options in the Sort panel, you can sort the items in the Generic Function Browser as you can in many of the other Common LispWorks tools.
Displays items in the order they are defined in.
Sorts items by the CLOS qualifier of the method. This groups together any
, and
Sorts items alphabetically by name. This is the default setting.
Sorts items alphabetically by package name.
For more information on sorting items, see Sorting items in views.
You can also set the process package of the Generic Function Browser, and choose to hide package names in the display, using the Package box. See Displaying packages for full details.
You can also control whether the Generic Function Browser displays the history toolbar by the option Show Toolbar , as described in Toolbar configurations.