
16.6 Using with-accept-help: some examples

    ((:subhelp "This is a test.")) 
  (clim:accept 'pathname))
[ACCEPT does this]
 ==>  You are being asked to enter a pathname.
[done via :SUBHELP]
     This is a test.
(clim:with-accept-help ((:top-level-help "This is a test.")) 
  (clim:accept 'pathname))
[done via :TOP-LEVEL-HELP]
 ==> This is a test.
(clim:with-accept-help (((:subhelp :override) "This is a test.")) 
  (clim:accept 'pathname))
[ACCEPT does this]
   ==> You are being asked to enter a pathname.
[done via :SUBHELP]
      This is a test.
(clim:define-presentation-type test ()) 
(clim:define-presentation-method clim:accept 
    ((type test) stream view &key) 
  (values (clim:with-accept-help 
              ((:subhelp "A test is made up of three things:")) 
            (clim:completing-from-suggestions (...) ...))))
(clim:accept 'test)
==> You are being asked to enter a test. 
    A test is made up of three things:

Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide - 27 Feb 2008
