NextPrevUpTopContentsIndex The Output Recording Stream Protocol

The following generic functions comprise the output recording stream protocol. All subclasses of output-recording-stream implement methods for these generic functions.

stream-recording-p [Generic Function]

Arguments: stream

Summary: Returns t when the output recording stream stream is recording all output performed to it; otherwise, it returns nil .

(setf stream-recording-p) [Generic Function]

Arguments: recording-p stream

Summary: Changes the state of stream-recording-p to be recording-p , which must be either t or nil .

stream-drawing-p [Generic Function]

Arguments: stream

Summary: Returns t when the output recording stream stream will actually draw on the viewport when output is being performed to it; otherwise, it returns nil .

(setf stream-drawing-p) [Generic Function]

Arguments: drawing-p stream

Summary: Changes the state of stream-recording-p to be drawing-p , which must be either t or nil .

stream-output-history [Generic Function]

Arguments: stream

Summary: Returns the history (or top-level output record) for the output recording stream stream .

stream-current-output-record [Generic Function]

Arguments: stream

Summary: The current "open" output record for the output recording stream stream , to which stream-add-output-record will add a new child record. Initially, this is the same as stream-output-history . As nested output records are created, this acts as a "stack."

(setf stream-current-output-record) [Generic Function]

Arguments: record stream

Summary: Sets the current "open" output record for the output recording stream stream to the output record record .

stream-add-output-record [Generic Function]

Arguments: stream record

Summary: Adds the output record record to the current output record on the output recording stream stream . (The current output record is the output record returned by stream-current-output-record .)

stream-replay [Generic Function]

Arguments: stream &optional region

Summary: Directs the output recording stream stream to invoke replay on its output history. Only those records that overlap the region region (which defaults to the viewport of the stream) are replayed.

Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide - 27 Feb 2008
