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Graphics displayed output records are used to record the output produced by the graphics functions, such as draw-line* . Each graphics displayed output record describes the output produced by a call to one of the graphics functions.

CLIM graphics displayed output records capture the following information, so that the original output can be redrawn exactly at replay time:

The description of the graphical object itself, for example, the end points of a line or the center point and radius of a circle

The programmer-supplied ink at the time the drawing function was called (indirect inks are not resolved, so you can later change the default foreground and background ink of the medium and have that change affect the already-created output records during replay)

For paths, the programmer-supplied line-style at the time the drawing function was called

The programmer-supplied clipping region at the time the drawing function was called

The user transformation

graphics-displayed-output-record [Protocol Class]	

Summary: The protocol class that corresponds to output records for the graphics functions, such as draw-line* . This is a subclass of displayed-output-record . If you want to create a new class that behaves like a graphics displayed output record, it should be a subclass of graphics-displayed-output-record. Subclasses of graphics-displayed-output-record must obey the graphics displayed output record protocol.

graphics-displayed-output-record-p [Function]	

Arguments: object

Summary: Returns t if object is a graphics displayed output record; otherwise, it returns nil .

Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide - 27 Feb 2008
