
11.10.4 CLIM Command Line Interaction Style

One interaction style supported by CLIM is the command line style of interaction provided on most conventional operating systems. A command prompt is displayed in the application's :interactor pane. The user enters a command by typing its command line name followed by its arguments. What the user types (or enters via the pointer) is echoed to the interactor window. When the user has finished typing the command, it is executed.

In CLIM, this interaction style is augmented by the input editing facility, which allows the user to correct typing mistakes, and by the prompting and help facilities, which provide a description of the command and the expected arguments (see Chapter 16, Input Editing and Completion Facilities). Command entry is also facilitated by the presentation substrate, which allows the input of objects matching the input context, both for command names and command arguments.

See 11.4, CLIM Command Tables and 11.10.1, CLIM Command Tables for complete descriptions of these functions.


Arguments: name command-table &key (errorp t )

Summary: Given a command-line name name and a command-table , this function returns two values, the command name and the command table in which the command was found.


Arguments: command-name command-table &key (errorp t )

Summary: Returns the command-line name for command-name as it is installed in command-table.


Arguments: function command-table &key (inherited t )

Summary: Applies function to all the command-line names accessible in command-table .

Common Lisp Interface Manager 2.0 User's Guide - 27 Feb 2008
