
23.8 Listener area

Select the Listener tab of the Stepper tool to display a Listener.

This area offers all the usual Listener and Debugger commands. Moreover, the execution environment is that of the function currently being stepped, and contains the variables of each frame on the stack.

The Stepper listener also offers the following listener commands to control stepping.

:s , :step

Step Steps once, remaining inside the current form. At the start of the current form, this steps the first inner form. At a function call, it steps to the value. At the form value, it steps the next form or value.

:st , :step-through-call

Step Through Call

:sc , :step-to-call

Step To Call At the start of a form, steps to the function call of that form after evaluation of the arguments. At a function call or at the end of a form, steps to the function call of the enclosing form.

:sv , :step-to-value

Step To Value At the start or function call of a form, steps to the value of that form. At the end of a form, steps to the value of the enclosing form.

:sn , :next

Next Steps to the start of the next form, or behaves like Step if there is no next form.

:se , :step-to-end

Step To End Steps to the value of the current function.

:c , :continue

Continue Runs the code until a breakpoint is reached.

:sm , :macroexpand

Macroexpand Macroexpands the form under the cursor.


Restart Aborts the execution and returns to the form which you first stepped, allowing you to repeat the execution or edit the form. This command is available only when using the Stepper in standalone mode.

See Stepper controls for a full description of these controls.

Common LispWorks User Guide (Macintosh version) - 5 Jul 2006
