
11.4 Example

This section shows an example of tracing two functions and examining the output.

Define the following functions

(defun foo (x y) (bar y x))
(defun bar (x y) (values (vector x y) (list y x)))

in a Listener and start the Tracer tool. The trace these functions by entering foo into the Trace pane of the Tracer and pressing Return or clicking the button. Do the same for bar .

Figure 11.1 The Trace State view showing bar and foo

Then call

(foo 100 200)

in the Listener. You will see output something like this printed in the Listener.

CL-USER 1 > foo 100 200
0 FOO > ...
  >> X : 100
  >> Y : 200
  1 BAR > ...
    >> X : 200
    >> Y : 100
  1 BAR < ...
    << VALUE-0 : #(200 100)
    << VALUE-1 : (100 200)
0 FOO < ...
  << VALUE-0 : #(200 100)
  << VALUE-1 : (100 200)
#(200 100)
(100 200)

Note: the format of the output is affected by the value of *trace-verbose* .

Now switch to the Output Text view of the Tracer and you will similar output.

Figure 11.2 The Output Text view

Now switch to the Output Data view of the Tracer, which will looks like this

Figure 11.3 The Output Data view

The node that is labeled Arguments 100 200 contains the arguments to the function foo . Double-click on this node to show those arguments in an Inspector.

The first node that is labeled Values #(200 100) (100 200) contains the values returned by bar . Expand this node to reveal the two values. Double-click on one of the values nodes to inspect it. You can also see that these values were in turn returned by foo , as shown by the second node that is labeled Values #(200 100) (100 200) .


Common LispWorks User Guide (Macintosh version) - 5 Jul 2006
