
20 Socket Stream SSL interface

The Socket Stream SSL interface allows you to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) with comm:socket-stream s.

The interface is based on the OPENSSL code, and most of it is simply an FLI interface to OPENSSL functions. The main LispWorks specific code is the way OPENSSL is integrated with socket-stream .

Note: to load the Socket Stream SSL interface, evaluate

(require "comm")

Note: Below we assume that the current package uses the comm package. That is, comm package symbols may not be qualified explicitly.

20.1 Creating a stream with SSL

20.2 SSL-CTX and SSL objects

20.3 OPENSSL interface

20.4 Socket Stream SSL keyword arguments

20.5 Explictly attaching SSL

20.6 Dealing with SSL objects explictly

20.7 Initialization

20.8 Obtaining and installing the OPENSSL library

20.9 Errors in SSL

LispWorks User Guide - 8 Apr 2005
