


align-of function 51

alloca function 52

allocate-dynamic-foreign-object function 52

allocate-foreign-object function 54

allocating memory dynamically 7


:boolean type 139

:byte type 140


C code

declarations 169

:c-array type 140

:char type 141


foreign-type-error 101

:const type 142

convert-from-foreign-string function 56

convert-to-dynamic-foreign-string function 59

convert-to-foreign-string function 57

copy-pointer function 60


decf-pointer function 61

define-c-enum macro 62

define-c-struct macro 64

define-c-typedef macro 65

define-c-union macro 66

define-foreign-callable macro 67

define-foreign-forward-reference-type macro 71

define-foreign-funcallable macro 72

define-foreign-function macro 73

define-foreign-pointer macro 78

define-foreign-type macro 79

define-foreign-variable macro 80

defining FLI functions 5

defining FLI types 4

defining forms

ambiguity 176

automated generation 169

dereference function 84

disconnect-module function 86


exporting functions from 47 - 48

documentation strings 12

:double type 142

dynamic memory allocation 7


:ef-mb-string type 143

:ef-wc-string type 144

:enum type 145

:enumeration type 146

enum-symbol-value function 87

enum-value-symbol function 88


fill-foreign-object function 89

:fixnum type 146

FLI functions

defining 5

FLI templates 116 , 127

FLI types

defining 4

:float type 147

Foreign Parser 169

foreign-aref function 89

:foreign-array type 147

foreign-array-dimensions function 91

foreign-array-element-type function 92

foreign-array-pointer function 93

foreign-parser package symbols

process-foreign-file 174

foreign-slot-names function 94

foreign-slot-offset function 94

foreign-slot-pointer function 95

foreign-slot-type function 97

foreign-slot-value function 98

foreign-typed-aref function 101

foreign-type-equal-p function 100

foreign-type-error condition 101

free function 103

free-foreign-object function 103

:function type 148


align-of 51

alloca 52

allocate-dynamic-foreign-object 52

allocate-foreign-object 54

convert-from-foreign-string 56

convert-to-dynamic-foreign-string 59

convert-to-foreign-string 57

copy-pointer 60

decf-pointer 61

dereference 84

disconnect-module 86

enum-symbol-value 87

enum-value-symbol 88

fill-foreign-object 89

foreign-aref 89

foreign-array-dimensions 91

foreign-array-element-type 92

foreign-array-pointer 93

foreign-slot-names 94

foreign-slot-offset 94

foreign-slot-pointer 95

foreign-slot-type 97

foreign-slot-value 98

foreign-typed-aref 101

foreign-type-equal-p 100

free 103

free-foreign-object 103

incf-pointer 104

make-pointer 106

malloc 107

module-unresolved-symbols 108

null-pointer-p 109

pointer-address 110

pointer-element-size 110

pointer-element-type 111

pointer-element-type-p 112

pointer-eq 113

pointerp 115

pointer-pointer-type 114

print-collected-template-info 115

print-foreign-modules 116

process-foreign-file 174

register-module 117

replace-foreign-array 120

replace-foreign-object 123

set-locale 124

set-locale-encodings 125

size-of 126

start-collecting-template-info 127


incf-pointer function 104

:int type 149


languages supported 1

:lisp-array type 149

:lisp-double-float type 151

:lisp-float type 152

:lisp-simple-1d-array type 152

:lisp-single-float type 153

*locale-external-formats* variable 105

:long type 154



define-c-enum 62

define-c-struct 64

define-c-typedef 65

define-c-union 66

define-foreign-callable 67

define-foreign-forward-reference-type 71

define-foreign-funcallable 72

define-foreign-function 73

define-foreign-pointer 78

define-foreign-type 79

define-foreign-variable 80

with-coerced-pointer 128

with-dynamic-foreign-objects 129

with-dynamic-lisp-array-pointer 133

with-foreign-slots 134

with-foreign-string 135

make-pointer function 106

malloc function 107

memory allocation 7

module-unresolved-symbols function 108


null pointers 23

*null-pointer* variable 108

null-pointer-p function 109


:one-of type 154


:pointer type 155

pointer-address function 110

pointer-element-size function 110

pointer-element-type function 111

pointer-element-type-p function 112

pointer-eq function 113

pointerp function 115

pointer-pointer-type function 114

pointers 21 - 28

coercing 24

copying 22

creating 21

dereferencing 24 - 26

dynamically allocating 26

null pointers 23

test functions for 23

*preprocessor* variable 172

*preprocessor-format-string* variable 173

*preprocessor-include-path* variable 173

*preprocessor-options* variable 173

print-collected-template-info function 115

print-foreign-modules function 116

process-foreign-file function 174

:ptr type 156


:reference type 156

:reference-pass type 158

:reference-return type 159

register-module function 117

replace-foreign-array function 120

replace-foreign-object function 123


set-locale function 124

set-locale-encodings function 125

:short type 159

:signed type 160

size-of function 126

start-collecting-template-info function 127


modifying in C 31

passing to C 29 , 33

returning from C 35

:struct type 161


templates, FLI 116 , 127

type constructors 12


:boolean 139

:byte 140

:c-array 140

:char 141

:const 142

:double 142

:ef-mb-string 143

:ef-wc-string 144

:enum 145

:enumeration 146

:fixnum 146

:float 147

:foreign-array 147

:function 148

:int 149

:lisp-array 149

:lisp-double-float 151

:lisp-float 152

:lisp-simple-1d-array 152

:lisp-single-float 153

:long 154

:one-of 154

:pointer 155

:ptr 156

:reference 156

:reference-pass 158

:reference-return 159

:short 159

:signed 160

:struct 161

:union 162

:unsigned 163

:void 164

:volatile 165

:wchar-t 165

:wrapper 166

aggregate 12 , 14 - 16

defining new types 44 - 45

immediate 12 - 13


:union type 162

:unsigned type 163



*locale-external-formats* 105

*null-pointer* 108

*preprocessor* 172

*preprocessor-format-string* 173

*preprocessor-include-path* 173

*preprocessor-options* 173

:void type 164

:volatile type 165


:wchar-t type 165

with-coerced-pointer macro 128

with-dynamic-foreign-objects macro 129

with-dynamic-lisp-array-pointer macro 133

with-foreign-slots macro 134

with-foreign-string macro 135

:wrapper type 166

LispWorks Foreign Language Interface User Guide and Reference Manual - 27 Mar 2005
