


The socket stream class.





A socket handle.


One of :input , :output , or :io .


An element type.


A positive number or nil .


A keyword, t or nil , or a foreign pointer of type ssl-ctx-pointer or ssl-pointer.


One of the keywords :client , :server or :both . The default value is :server .


A function designator or nil .


A function designator or nil .




The socket-stream class implements a buffered stream connected to a socket. The socket handle, specified by :socket , and the direction, specified by :direction , must be passed for a meaningful stream to be constructed. Common Lisp input functions such as read-char will see end-of-file if the other end of the socket is closed.

The :element-type keyword determines the expected element type of the stream traffic. However, stream input and output functions for character and binary data generally work in the obvious way on a socket-stream with element-type base-char , (unsigned-byte 8) or (signed-byte 8) . For example, read-sequence can be called with a string buffer and a binary socket-stream : the character data is constructed from the input as if by code-char . Similarly write-sequence can be called with a string buffer and a binary socket-stream : the output is converted from the character data as if by char-code . Also, 8-bit binary data can be read and written to a base-char socket-stream .

All standard stream I/O functions except for write-byte and read-byte have this flexibility.

The :read-timeout initarg specifies the read-timeout in seconds, or is nil , meaning there are no timeouts during reads (this is the default).

The read-timeout property is intended for use when a socket connection might hang during a call to any Common Lisp input function. The read-timeout can be set by make-instance or by open-tcp-stream. It can also be modified by (setf stream:stream-read-timeout) . When read-timeout is nil , there is no timeout during reads and the call may hang. When read-timeout is not nil , and there is no input from the socket for more than read-timeout seconds, any reading function returns end-of-file . The read-timeout does not limit the time inside read , but the time between successful extractions of data from the socket. Therefore, if the reading needs several rounds it may take longer than read-timeout .

Using (setf stream:stream-read-timeout) on the stream while it is inside a read function has undefined effects. However, the setf function can be used between calls to read functions. The read-timeout property of a stream can be read by (stream:stream-read-timeout stream)

The keyword arguments :ssl-ctx , :ssl-side , :ctx-configure-callback and :ssl-configure-callback can be be passed to create and configure socket streams with SSL processing.

ssl-ctx , if non- nil , specifies that the stream uses SSL and further specifies the SSL_CTX object to use. The value of ssl-ctx can be a symbol which, together with ssl-side , specifies which protocol to use. The value t or :default means use the default, which is currently the same as :v23 . The values :v2 , :v3 , :v23 and :tls-v1 are mapped to the SSLv2_* , SSLv3_* , SSLv23_* and TLSv1_* methods respectively. With these symbol values of ssl-ctx , LispWorks makes a new SSL_CTX object and uses it and frees it when the stream is closed.

The value of ssl-ctx can also be a foreign pointer of type ssl-ctx-pointer (which corresponds to the C type SSL_CTX* ). This is used and is not freed when the stream is closed. Also an SSL object is made and used, and this object is freed when the stream is closed. The foreign pointer may be a result of a call to make-ssl-ctx, but it can also a result of user code, provided that it points to a valid SSL_CTX and has the type ssl-ctx-pointer.

The value of ssl-ctx can also be a foreign pointer of type ssl-pointer (which corresponds to the C type SSL* ). This specifies the SSL to use. This maybe a result of a call to ssl-new but can also be the result of user code, provided that it points to a valid SSL object and has the type ssl-pointer. The SSL is used and is not freed when the stream is closed.

When you pass a ssl-ctx-pointer or a ssl-pointer foreign pointer as the ssl-ctx argument, it must have already been set up correctly.

ssl-side specifies which side the socket stream is. The value of ssl-side is used in two cases:

If the value of ssl-ctx is a ssl-pointer, ssl-side is ignored.

ctx-configure-callback specifies a callback, a function which taks a foreign pointer of type ssl-ctx-pointer. This is called immediately after a new SSL_CTX is created. If the value of ssl-ctx is not a symbol, ctx-configure-callback is ignored.

ssl-configure-callback specifies a callback, a function which taks a foreign pointer of type ssl-pointer. This is called immediately after a new SSL is created. If the value of ssl-ctx is not a ssl-pointer, ssl-configure-callback is ignored.


The following makes a bidirectional stream connected to a socket specified by handle .

(make-instance 'comm:socket-stream
               :socket handle
               :direction :io
               :element-type 'base-char)

This example creates a socket stream with a read-timeout:

(make-instance 'comm:socket-stream
               :direction :input
               :read-timeout 42)

The following form illustrates character I/O in a binary socket-stream :

(with-open-stream (x 
                    "localhost" 80
                    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
  (write-sequence (format nil "GET / HTTP/1.0~%~%") x)
  (force-output x)
  (let ((res (make-array 20 :element-type 'base-char)))
    (values (read-sequence res x) res)))

The following form illustrates binary I/O in a base-char socket-stream :

(with-open-stream (x 
                    "localhost" 80
                    :element-type 'base-char))
   (map '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 1)
        (format nil "GET / HTTP/1.0~%~%"))
  (force-output x)
  (let ((res (make-array 20 
                         '(unsigned-byte 8))))
    (values (read-sequence res x) 
            (map 'string 'code-char res))))
See also


LispWorks Reference Manual - 23 Jul 2004
