


Attempts to open the named serial port and return a serial-port object.




open-serial-port name &rest args &key baud-rate data-bits stop-bits parity cts-flow-p dsr-flow-p dtr rts read-interval-timeout read-total-base-timeout read-total-byte-timeout write-total-base-timeout write-total-byte-timeout => serial-port



A string naming a serial port.


See in the Description below for details of the remaining arguments.



A serial-port object.


The function open-serial-port attempts to open the serial port name and return a serial-port object.

If any of baud-rate , data-bits , stop-bits and parity are supplied then the corresponding serial port settings are changed. The values of baud-rate and data-bits should each be an appropriate integer. The value of stop-bits should be 1, 1.5 or 2. The value of parity should be one of the keywords :even , :mark , :none , :odd or :space .

The arguments cts-flow-p and dsr-flow-p control whether write operations respond to CTS and DSR flow control. A non- nil value means that the corresponding flow control is used.

The arguments dtr and rts control whether read operations generate DTR or RTS flow control. If the value is :handshake then the corresponding flow control signal is generated automatically. If the value is nil or t then the initial state of the flow control signal is set and automatic flow control is not used. See set-serial-port-state for manual flow control.

The argument read-interval-timeout can be used to control the maximum time to wait between each input character. The value :none means that reading will not wait for characters at all, only returning whatever is already in the input buffer. The arguments read-total-base-timeout and read-total-byte-timeout can be used to control the maximum time to wait for a sequence of characters. The timeout is given by the expression base_timeout + nchars * byte_timeout.

The arguments write-total-base-timeout and write-total-byte-timeout can be used to control the maximum time to wait when transmitting a sequence of characters.

The timeout is given by the expression base_timeout + nchars * byte_timeout.

See also


LispWorks Reference Manual - 23 Jul 2004
