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! 89

:< debugger command 10

$ (dollar) variable 22

$$ variable 22

$$$ variable 22

:> debugger command 10

[...] syntax in SQL 158


:a debugger command 14

abort restart 7

action lists 53

defining 54

examples 58

undefining 54

adding actions to action lists 56

add-special-free-action function 80

add-sql-stream function 165

add-symbol-profiler function 83


after 45

around 45

before 45

example of use 49

facility 43

for macros 47

for methods 47

main chapter 43

removing 46

after advice 45

:after keyword 32

:all debugger command 12

:all keyword 114

all , SQL operator 159

:allocation keyword 36

allocation-in-gen-num function 79

allocation-in-gen-num macro 74

any , SQL operator 159


command line 186

around advice 45


attribute-type function 152

avoid-gc function 79


:b debugger command 10

backtrace 9

quick backtrace 9

verbose backtrace 10

:backtrace keyword 33

base slot 153

before advice 45

:before keyword 31

:bindings keyword 19

:bq debugger command 10

:break keyword 33

:break-on-exit keyword 33

Byte Order Mark 182


:c debugger command 14

C functions

malloc 74

memalign 74

realloc 74

cache-table-queries function 148

call-next-advice function 46

catch frame, examining 8

:catchers keyword 19

:caused-by keyword 114

:cc debugger command 12

change-process-priority function 105

character types 177

check-fragmentation function 78 , 80


database 143

standard-db-class 153

standard-db-object 153

clean-down function 72 , 79

clean-generation-0 function 79

collect-generation-2 function 77 , 79

collect-highest-generation function 79

command line 186

commit function 147

commit function 149

Common Lisp

systems. See system

compilation-speed 64


comparison with interpreter 61

control 64

levels of safety 65

main chapter 61

optimization of 64 - 68

workings of 63

compile-system function 112

configuring the printer 90

connected-databases function 145

continue restart 7

create-index function 152

create-table function 152

create-view function 153

create-view-from-class function 154

creation of process 104

current frame 10

current process 104

*current-process* variable 104


main chapter 87

of editor 88



classes in SQL 143

connection in SQL 145

database class 143

database-name function 145

DDL 152 , 153

debug 64


commands 8

control variables 17

invoking from the tracer 33

main chapter 5

debugger commands

:< 10

:> 10

:a 14

:all 12

:b 10

:bq 10

:c 14

:cc 12

:ed 12

:error 12

:get 13

:his 13

:l 11

:lambda 12

:lf 13

:n 11

:p 10

:redo 12

:res 15

:ret 15

:top 15

:use 13

:v 11

*debug-io* variable 17

*debug-print-length* variable 17

*debug-print-level* variable 18

declaim macro 70

declare special form 64 , 69

defadvice macro 44 , 47 , 52

*default-database* variable 143 , 145

*default-database-type* variable 144

:default-pathname keyword 113

define-action macro 56

define-action-list macro 54

definition specs 39


error handling with 122

defparser macro 119

functions defined by 121

defsystem macro 113 , 113 - 117

examples of use 116

def-view-class macro 153

delete-advice macro 46 , 52

delete-instance-records generic function 156

delete-records function 147

delete-records function 148

delete-sql-stream function 165

describe function 21

*describe-length* variable 23

*describe-level* special variable 22

describe-object generic function 22

*describe-print-length* variable 22

*describe-print-level* variable 22

diagnostic utilities

for action lists 57

disable-sql-reader-syntax function 164

disconnect function 145

DML 146 , 156

$ (dollar) variable 22

$$ variable 22

$$$ variable 22

:dont-know keyword 11

do-query macro 150

drop-index function 152

drop-table function 152

drop-view function 153

drop-view-from-class function 154


:ed debugger command 12


customizing 88

ef-spec 180

enable-sql-reader-syntax function 146 , 164

enlarge-generation function 77 , 80

enlarge-static function 80

:entrycond keyword 34

:error debugger command 12

error handling

in parser generator 122

errors in SQL 165

EUC-JP 181

:eval-after keyword 32

:eval-before keyword 32


forms during tracing 31 - 33

except , SQL operator 159

exception handling

for action lists 56

executable 186

execute-command function 151

execution functions 53

execution profiling 81

execution stack

examining 8

:exitcond keyword 34

expand-generation-1 function 79

extended-time macro 79 , 85

external format specification 180

External formats 180


fasl (fast load)

description 61

FDDL 152

FDML 156


load-on-demand 90

find-database function 145

find-object-size function 79

find-process-from-name function 104

fixnum-safety 64

flag-not-special-free-action function 80

flag-special-free-action function 80

float 64

float calculations, optimizing 65


evaluating when tracing 31 - 33

frame, examining 8

free-important-locks function 108

function, altering with advice 43

function , SQL operator 161

Functional DDL 152

Functional DML 146

functional interface in SQL 145


add-special-free-action 80

add-sql-stream 165

add-symbol-profiler 83

allocation-in-gen-num 79

arguments for traced 31

attribute-type 152

avoid-gc 79

cache-table-queries 148

call-next-advice 46

change-process-priority 105

check-fragmentation 78 , 80

clean-down 72 , 79

clean-generation-0 79

collect-generation-2 77 , 79

collect-highest-generation 79

commit 147 , 149

compile-system 112

connected-databases 145

create-index 152

create-table 152

create-view 153

create-view-from-class 154

database-name 145

delete-records 147 , 148

delete-sql-stream 165

describe 21

disable-sql-reader-syntax 164

disconnect 145

drop-index 152

drop-table 152

drop-view 153

drop-view-from-class 154

enable-sql-reader-syntax 146 , 164

enlarge-generation 77 , 80

enlarge-static 80

execute-command 151

expand-generation-1 79

find-database 145

find-object-size 79

find-process-from-name 104

flag-not-special-free-action 80

flag-special-free-action 80

free-important-locks 108

gc-if-needed 79

get-default-generation 79

get-folder-path 189

get-gc-parameters 79

get-user-profile-directory 189

initialize-database-type 143

initialize-multiprocessing 106

insert-records 147

inspect 22

lisp-image-name 186

list-all-processes 104

list-attributes 152

list-attribute-types 152

list-classes 156

list-sql-streams 165

list-tables 152

locally-disable-sql-reader-syntax 164

locally-enable-sql-reader-syntax 164

long-site-name 185

make-lock 108

map-query 150

mark-and-sweep 72 , 79

normal-gc 79

print-actions 57

print-profile-list 83

print-query 147

process-allow-scheduling 104

process-arrest-reasons 104

process-break 105

process-interrupt 105

process-kill 105

process-lock 108

process-name 104

process-priority 105

process-run-function 104

process-run-reasons 105

process-unlock 108

process-wait 104 , 105

process-wait-function 105

process-wait-with-timeout 104 , 105

proclaim 64 , 69

product-registry-path 188

ps 104

query 151

reconnect 145

remove-advice 46 , 52

remove-special-free-action 80

remove-symbol-profiler 83

reset-profiler 83

restore-sql-reader-syntax-state 164

results for traced 32

rollback 147 , 149

room 79

select 146 , 156

set-debugger-options 18

set-default-generation 74 , 79

set-gc-parameters 73 , 75 , 76 , 79

set-minimum-free-space 76 , 79

set-profiler-threshold 83

set-promotion-count 75 , 79

set-up-profiler 82

short-site-name 185

software-type 185

software-version 185

sql 162

sql-expression 162

sql-operation 162

sql-operator 162

sql-recording-p 165

sql-stream 165

start-sql-recording 165

status 145

stop-sql-recording 165

sweep-all-objects 80

switch-static-allocation 73 , 80

symbol-to-string 122

toggle-source-debugging 70

total-allocation 79

tracing inside 37

try-compact-in-generation 78 , 80

try-move-in-generation 78 , 80

update-records 147 , 148

user-preference 188

without-interrupts 105

without-preemption 105

fundamental-character-input-stream class 168

fundamental-character-output-stream class 168


garbage collection, see also storage management

main chapter 71

gc-if-needed function 79


definition 72

generation 2 77

generic functions

delete-instance-records 156

describe-object 22

input-stream-p 170

instance-refreshed 156

output-stream-p 170

stream-clear-input 171

stream-element-type 169

stream-line-column 173

stream-listen 172

stream-read-char 170

stream-start-line-p 174

stream-unread-char 171

stream-write-char 172

update-instance-from-records 156

update-record-from-slot 156

update-records-from-instance 156

update-slot-from-record 156

:get debugger command 13

get-default-generation function 79

get-folder-path function 189

get-gc-parameters function 79

get-user-profile-directory function 189


non-terminal 120

resolving ambiguities 121

graphics ports 2

> , SQL operator 159


handler frame, examining 8

:handler keyword 19

:hidden keyword 19

*hidden-packages* variable 18

:his debugger command 13

hook functions 53


i18n 177


of SQL 143

initialize-database-type function 143

*initialized-database-types* variable 144

initialize-multiprocessing function 106

*initial-processes* variable 104

input-stream-p generic function 170

insert-records function 147

:inside keyword 37

inspect function 22


main chapter 21

teletype 21

*inspect-print-length* variable 23

*inspect-print-level* variable 23

instance-refreshed generic function 156

in-static-area macro 73 , 80


between parser generator and lexical analyser 123

SQL initialization 143

Internationalization 177


differences from compiler 61

interruptable 64

intersect , SQL operator 159


main chapter 1

invalid superclass 96

:invisible keyword 19

ISO8859-1 180


JIS 181

join slot 153



:after 32

:all 114

:allocation 36

:backtrace 33

:before 31

:bindings 19

:break 33

:break-on-exit 33

:catchers 19

:caused-by 114

:default-pathname 113

:dont-know 11

:entrycond 34

:eval-after 32

:eval-before 32

:exitcond 34

:handler 19

:hidden 19

:inside 37

:invisible 19

:maximum-buffer-size 73

:maximum-overflow 76

:members 113

:minimum-buffer-size 73

:minimum-for-sweep 75 , 76

:minimum-overflow 76

:new-generation-size 77

:non-symbol 19

:package 113

:previous 115

:process 36

:requires 115

:restarts 19

:rules 114

:source-only 114

:step 34

:trace-output 35

:when 36


:l debugger command 11

:lambda debugger command 12

Latin-1 180

levels of safety, see compiler

:lf debugger command 13

lightweight processes 103

lightweight processes in LispWorks 103

*line-arguments-list* variable 186

lisp-image-name function 186


customizing 87

lightweight processes in 103

processes 103

list-all-processes function 104

list-attributes function 152

list-attribute-types function 152

list-classes function 156

list-sql-streams function 165

list-tables function 152

load-on-demand 90

locally-disable-sql-reader-syntax function 164

locally-enable-sql-reader-syntax function 164

locks 108

long-site-name function 185

loop macro

extensions in Common SQL 157

loop , extensions in Common SQL 150



advice 47

allocation-in-gen-num 74

declaim 70

defadvice 44 , 47 , 52

define-action 56

define-action-list 54

defparser 119 , 121

defsystem 113 , 113 - 117

def-view-class 153

delete-advice 46 , 52

do-query 150

extended-time 79 , 85

in-static-area 73 , 80

undefine-action 56

undefine-action-list 55

with-heavy-allocation 79

with-lock 109

without-interrupts 79

with-transaction 147 , 149

make-lock function 108

malloc C function 74

map-query function 150

mark 75

and sweep 75

mark-and-sweep function 72 , 79

:maximum-buffer-size keyword 73

*maximum-ordinary-windows* variable 88

:maximum-overflow keyword 76

*max-trace-indent* variable 39

memalign C function 74

:members keyword 113

memory allocation during tracing 36

memory management

garbage collection strategy 75

image reduction 79

mark and sweep 75

overflow 76

timing in 79

Metaobject Protocol 93


advice 47


tracing 39

:minimum-buffer-size keyword 73

:minimum-for-sweep keyword 75 , 76

:minimum-overflow keyword 76

minus , SQL operator 159

modifying a database 147


AMOP compatibility 93


locks 108


:n debugger command 11

:new-generation-size keyword 77

:non-symbol keyword 19

non-terminal in grammar 120

normal-gc function 79

not , SQL operator 159



object-oriented interface in SQL 153

static 73

Object Oriented DDL in SQL 153

Object Oriented DML in SQL 156



operating system 185


of compiler 64

optimization declarations 64

optimize 64

optimize qualities 65 - 68


trace 35

output-stream-p generic function 170


:p debugger command 10


hiding 18

:package keyword 113

parser generator main chapter 119

parser, error handling 122

platform 185

PostScript Printer Description files 90

PPD files 91

:previous keyword 115

print-actions function 57

*print-binding-frames* variable 18

*print-catch-frames* variable 18


configuring 90

*print-handler-frames* variable 18

*print-non-symbol-frames* variable 18

*print-open-frames* variable 18

print-profile-list function 83

print-query function 147

*print-restart-frames* variable 18


creation 104

current 104

in LispWorks 103

scheduling 105

:process keyword 36

process-allow-scheduling function 104

process-arrest-reasons function 104

process-break function 105

*process-initial-bindings* variable 104

process-interrupt function 105

process-kill function 105

process-lock function 108

process-name function 104

process-priority function 105

process-run-function function 104

process-run-reasons function 105

process-unlock function 108

process-wait function 104 , 105

process-wait-function function 105

process-wait-with-timeout function 104 , 105

proclaim function 64 , 69

product-registry-path function 188

profile time 82


interpretation of results 83

main chapter 81

pitfalls 84

setting up 82

*profile-symbol-list* variable 83


execution 81

program 81

program profiling 81

ps function 104


query function 151

quick backtrace 9


real time 82

realloc C function 74

reconnect function 145

redo 89

:redo debugger command 12

remove-advice function 46 , 52

remove-special-free-action function 80

remove-symbol-profiler function 83

removing actions from action lists 56

:requires keyword 115

:res debugger command 15

reset-profiler function 83

restart 7

restart frame, examining 8

:restarts keyword 19

restore-sql-reader-syntax-state function 164

:ret debugger command 15

rollback function 147 , 149

room function 79

:rules keyword 114


safety 64

scheduling of processes 105

segmentation violation in compiled code 68

select function 156

select function 146

select , SQL operator 159

set-debugger-options function 18

set-default-generation function 74 , 79

set-gc-parameters function 73 , 75 , 76 , 79

set-minimum-free-space function 76 , 79

set-profiler-threshold function 83

set-promotion-count function 75 , 79

set-up-profiler function 82

Shift JIS 181

short-site-name function 185

show paths from Editor command 70

software-type function 185

software-version function 185

some , SQL operator 159

*source-found-action* variable 88

:source-only keyword 114

space 64

special forms

declare 64 , 69

special variables

*describe-level* 22

speed 64


[...] syntax 158

database classes 143

database connection 145

database functions 161

direct specification 151

errors 165

Functional DDL 152

Functional DML 146

functional interface 145

I/O recording 164

interface initialization 143

iteration 157

main chapter 141

Object Oriented DDL 153

Object Oriented DML 156

object-oriented interface 153

programmatic interface 162

stored procedure 151

symbolic syntax 157

transaction handling 149

utilities 164

SQL errors

sql-connection-error 165

sql-database-data-error 165

sql-database-error 165

sql-fatal-error 166

sql-temporary-error 165

sql-timeout-error 165

sql-user-error 165

sql function 162

sql-connection-error error 165

sql-database-data-error error 165

sql-database-error error 165

sql-expression function 162

sql-fatal-error error 166

*sql-libraries* variable 144

*sql-loading-verbose* variable 144 , 148

sql-operation function 162

sql-operator function 162

sql-recording-p function 165

sql-stream function 165

sql-temporary-error error 165

sql-timeout-error error 165

sql-user-error error 165

square bracket syntax 158


examining 8

standard-db-class class 153

standard-db-object class 153

start-sql-recording function 165

static object

allocation in memory management 73

status function 145

:step keyword 34

stepper, entering when tracing 34

stop-sql-recording function 165

storage management

main chapter 71

stream-clear-input generic function 171

stream-element-type generic function 169

stream-line-column generic function 173

stream-listen generic function 172

stream-read-char generic function 170


defining new 168

directionality 169

example 168 - 175

input 170

instantiating 174

output 172

user defined 167

stream-start-line-p generic function 174

stream-unread-char generic function 171

stream-write-char generic function 172

string construction 179

string types 178


invalid 96

sweep 75

sweep-all-objects function 80

switch-static-allocation function 73 , 80

*symbol-alloc-gen-num* variable 74 , 79

symbolic query syntax 157

symbolic syntax in SQL 157

symbol-to-string function 122

syntax, in SQL 157


defining 112 - 117

introduction to 111 - 112

members of 113

plan 114

rules 114 - 115


teletype inspector 21

toggle-source-debugging function 70


inspector 21

:top debugger command 15

total-allocation function 79


main chapter 29

*traced-arglist* variable 31 , 32 , 34 , 40

*traced-results* variable 32 , 40

*trace-indent-width* variable 40

*trace-level* variable 40

:trace-output keyword 35

*trace-output* variable 40

*trace-print-circle* variable 40

*trace-print-length* variable 22 , 40

*trace-print-level* variable 22 , 40

*trace-print-pretty* variable 41


:after option 32

:allocation option 36

:before option 31

:break option 33

:break-on-exit option 33

commands available 31 - 38

definition specs 39

directing output 35

entering the stepper 34

:entrycond option 34

:eval-after option 32

:eval-before option 32

evaluating forms 31 - 33

example of use 29

:exitcond option 34

functions, tracing inside 37

information displayed 30

:inside option 37

invoking the debugger 33

memory allocation 36

methods, tracing 39

:process option 36

restricting to a process 36

:step option 34

traced function, arguments for 31

:trace-output option 35

trced functions, results for 32

transaction handling 149

try-compact-in-generation function 78 , 80

try-move-in-generation function 78 , 80


UCS-2 181

undefine-action macro 56

undefine-action-list macro 55

Unicode 177

union , SQL operator 159

update-instance-from-records generic function 156

update-record-from-slot generic function 156

update-records function 147 , 148

update-records-from-instance generic function 156

update-slot-from-record generic function 156

:use debugger command 13

user defined stream 167

user-preference function 188

UTF-8 181

utilities in SQL 164


:v debugger command 11


$ (dollar) 22

$$ 22

$$$ 22

*current-process* 104

*debug-io* 17

*debug-print-length* 17

*debug-print-level* 18

*default-database* 143 , 145

*default-database-type* 144

*describe-length* 23

*describe-print-length* 22

*describe-print-level* 22

*hidden-packages* 18

*initialized-database-types* 144

*initial-processes* 104

*inspect-print-length* 23

*inspect-print-level* 23

*line-arguments-list* 186

*maximum-ordinary-windows* 88

*max-trace-indent* 39

*print-binding-frames* 18

*print-catch-frames* 18

*print-handler-frames* 18

*print-non-symbol-frames* 18

*print-open-frames* 18

*print-restart-frames* 18

*process-initial-bindings* 104

*profile-symbol-list* 83

*source-found-action* 88

*sql-libraries* 144

*sql-loading-verbose* 144 , 148

*symbol-alloc-gen-num* 74 , 79

*traced-arglist* 31 , 32 , 34 , 40

*traced-results* 32 , 40

*trace-indent-width* 40

*trace-level* 40

*trace-output* 40

*trace-print-circle* 40

*trace-print-length* 22 , 40

*trace-print-level* 22 , 40

*trace-print-pretty* 41

for action lists 57

verbose backtrace 10

virtual (ordinary) slots 154

virtual time 82


:when keyword 36

with-heavy-allocation macro 79

with-lock macro 109

without-interrupts function 105

without-interrupts macro 79

without-preemption function 105

with-transaction macro 147

with-transaction macro 149

LispWorks User Guide - 18 Feb 2003

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