KnowledgeWorks and Prolog User Guide




* 4

+ 5

/== 154

::= 4

<..> 4

= 154

=.. 154

== 154

@< 154

@=< 154

@> 154

@>= 154

[..] 4

| 5


action 3 , 27 , 37

add-explanation 73

Advanced Topics

main chapter 69

agenda 31

all-debug 34 , 87

any 36 , 88

any Prolog interface function 140

append 154

arg 133 , 154

arity 35 , 53

assert 29 , 30 , 83 , 88

asserta 154

assertion 30

assertz 154

atomic 154


backward chaining 2 , 12 , 27 , 35 , 81

debugging 37

definition of rules 36

implementation notes 178

interpreter 36

syntax 35

bagof 154

browsers 10

class 16 , 56

object 13 , 21 , 59

rule 11 , 19 , 61

system 55


C 1

call 154

certainty factor 74

certainty factors 74 , 77

*c-factor* 74

chaining 2

class browser 56

classes 16

named 40

relational database 41

unnamed 40

clause 154

clear 54

clear-all 55 , 85 , 89

clear-rules 54 , 90

CLOS 2 , 3 , 7 , 9 , 13 , 23 , 27 , 35 , 54 , 78

class categories in KnowledgeWorks 39

classes in KnowledgeWorks 39

objects in 4 , 39

CLOS mixin class 4

CLOS/SQL class 41

Common Lisp Interface 38

Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) 2 , 7

Common Prolog main chapter 131

condition 27

syntax 28

conflict resolution 18 , 28 , 32 , 76

-lex 33 , 80

lex 33

-mea 33 , 80

mea 33

optimizing 80

-order 33

order 32 , 33

-priority 32

priority 32

-recency 32 , 80

recency 32

-specificity 33

specificity 33

tactics 32 , 80

use of contexts 80

user definable 76

user-definable 76

conflict resolution strategy 76

conflict resolution tactic 32 , 76

conflict-set 90

context 31 , 69

context 29 , 30 , 91

context definition 34

contexts 11 , 32


flow of 31 , 69

creep 21 , 63

current-cycle 92

cut 82

cut 92

*cycle* 93


of forward chaining 28


DCG 149

debug 154


in Prolog 143

debugging 2 , 19 , 34 , 62

backward chaining 37

forward chaining 34

debugging 154

default-context 31 , 54 , 90

defclass 93 , 95

defclass macro in LispWorks 40

defcontext 32 , 34 , 70 , 95

defdetpred 157

defdetrel 154

defdetunipred 158

defexplain 73

defgrammar 149 , 154

Defining Contexts 34

Definite Clause Grammars 149

def-kb-class 40 , 74 , 82 , 84 , 93

def-kb-struct 78 , 79 , 94

defmethod 82

def-named-kb-class 40 , 94

defrel 132 , 154

defrelmacro 149 , 154

defrel-special-form-macro 155

defrule 27 , 30 , 35 , 69 , 70 , 75 , 81 , 83 , 84 , 85 , 97

defstruct 78 , 94

deftactic 76 , 98

def-view-class in LispWorks 42

destroy-inferencing-state 85 , 99

deterministic 155

documentation strings 27 , 32 , 76 , 96 , 97 , 99

dynamic conflict resolution 80


Edinburgh Prolog 37

Edinburgh Syntax 152

compatible predicates 158

editor 54

editor window 11


graphic environment in Prolog 153

erase 29 , 100 , 155

explanations 72


syntax 29


fail 100 , 155


pattern 14 , 60

query 59

findall 36 , 102 , 140 , 155

findallset 140 , 155

find-inferencing-state 85 , 101

fire-rule 70 , 103

forward chaining 2 , 10 , 27 , 78 , 79

cycle 28 , 69 , 70

debugging 34

history 17 , 66

implementation notes 177

interpreter 31

rule definition 31

syntax 28

functor 133 , 155


get-kb-object 40 , 103

goals 3

graphical tools 2


halt 155

history 17

forward chaining 17 , 66


Implementation Notes

appendix 177

implication strength 74

*implic-strength* 74 , 75

infer 10 , 21 , 31 , 85 , 104

inference engine 3

inferencing states

creating and maintaining 85

current 85 , 105

definition of 84

uses 85

*inferencing-state* 85 , 105

inferencing-state-name 105

*in-interpreter* 104


instances 57

instantiation 70 , 71 , 108

instantiations 71

inst-bindings 71 , 106

inst-rulename 71 , 107

inst-token 71 , 107

integer 155

interface functions in Prolog 140


backward chaining 36

forward chaining 31


main chapter 1

is 155


keysort 155


:backward 27

:forward 27

:meta 70

:name 40

:priority 18

Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) 1 , 4

KnowledgeWorks 1 , 9

backward chaining engine 35

clearing 54

CLOS objects 35 , 39

Converting Other Systems Into, 185

generic functions 58

historical perspective 1

inspector 57

instances 57

listener 53

mixin class 41

object base 35

objects 36

rule development 51

rule monitor 62 , 64

rules in 27

running the tutorial 10

spy window 62

structures 50 , 78

technical overview 2

tools 21

Use of Meta-Classes 82

kw-class 110


leap 21 , 63

leash 155

leashing 143

-lex 33 , 80 , 111

lex 33 , 111

Lisp 1 , 7 , 29 , 38 , 39

integration of 23

LispWorks 1 , 7 , 24 , 35

accessing Lisp from Prolog 136

availability in KnowledgeWorks 51

Common Prolog Logic Listener 53

SQL interface 41


calling Prolog 138

LispWorks IDE 23

list-all-inferencing-state 85 , 109

listener 10 , 53

listing 155

loading files 9

logic 138

logic interpreter 134

logic listener 153

logical 29 , 83



in Prolog 149

make-inferencing-state 85 , 112

make-instance 40 , 78 , 83 , 113

-mea 33 , 80 , 114

mea 33 , 114

member 155

menu button

creep 21 , 63

leap 21 , 63

menu item

browse 16

class browser 16

Classes 16

clear 54

context 61

FC History 17

Inspect 60

Instantiations 60

KnowledgeWorks 9 , 16 , 17

Listener 9

Objects 13 , 59

Rules 11 , 61

:meta keyword 70

Meta Object Protocol (MOP) 4

Meta Rule Protocol (MRP) 4 , 69

meta-interpreter 69

metaprotocols 2

meta-rule 69

mixin 4 , 40

monitor window 19 , 64



name 40 , 109

named classes 40

named-kb-object 40 , 95 , 115

node 11

no-debug 34 , 116

nodebug 155

nonvar 155

nospy 155

not 29 , 116 , 155

notrace 156


object 36

browser 21 , 59

certainty factor 74

named 39

object base 20 , 50

and inferencing states 84

clearing 54

main chapter 39

uncertainty 74

object browser 13

object system 2

once 156

OPS5 79 , 185

optimization 78

optimization of KnowledgeWorks 50

-order 33 , 117

order 32 , 33 , 118

output-defrels 156


pattern 14 , 60

matching 81

popup 10

Preferences... command 14 , 60 , 62

*print-verbose* 118

-priority 32 , 119

priority 32 , 120

procedural language 2

programming environment

main chapter 51

Prolog 35 , 37 , 188

accessing Lisp 136

adding built in predicates 157

built in predicates 154

calling from LispWorks 138

cut 82

debugging 143

Edinburgh Syntax 152

exiting the interpreter 136

graphic environment 153

interface functions 140

leashing 143

logic interpreter 134

logic listener 153

macros 149

main chapter 131

overview 131

predicates compatible with Edinburgh syntax 158

retrieving multiple solutions in 134

specifying multiple goals in 135

spy points 143

syntax 132

tracing 143


query 59


read-query-print loop 134

read-term 156

-recency 32 , 80 , 120

recency 32 , 121

recorda 156

recorded 156

recordz 156

relational database classes 41

repeat 156

reset 54 , 85 , 122

retract 156

return 29 , 30 , 32 , 122

rule 27

action 27

backward chaining 36

browser 19

condition 27

definition of forward chaining 31

editing definitions 22

groups 17

implication strength 74

single-stepping 20

rule browser 61

rule monitor 62 , 64

rule preconditions 79

rulebase 41

rule-defined conflict resolution 80


main chapter 27


setof 156

*signal-kb-name-clash* 123

sort 156

-specificity 33 , 123

specificity 33 , 124

spy 156

spy points 143

spy window 20 , 62

standard- kb-object 42 , 82

standard-class 82

standard-context 125

standard-db-object 42

standard-kb- object 82

standard-kb-class 82

standard-kb-object 56 , 93 , 126

start-cycle 70 , 126

start-kw 127

static conflict resolution 80

structures 50 , 54 , 78

subclasses 16


backward chaining 35

expression 29

forward-condition 28

of forward chaining 28

syntax of Prolog 132

system browser 55

systems 24


tactic 32 , 76 , 98

Tail Recursion 81

test 127


in Prolog 143

trace 156

translate-vars 156

true 157

truth maintenance 29 , 83


main chapter 7


undefcontext 34 , 127

undefrule 31 , 128

unleash 157

unnamed classes 40


var 157



browser 10

editor 11 , 54

listener 9 , 10 , 53

monitor 19 , 64

popup 10

spy 20 , 62

subclasses 16

with-prolog 143

with-rule-actions 128

KnowledgeWorks and Prolog User Guide (Macintosh version) - 22 Dec 2009
