2.2 Sample Lisp program

2.2.1 The program file

;; Declare the correct package for this application; 
;; for this example, use the "user" package.
(in-package "USER")

;; Define a default size for the queue. (defconstant default-queue-size 100 "Default size of a queue")

;;; The following structure encapsulates a queue. It contains a ;;; simple vector to hold the elements and a pair of pointers to ;;; index into the vector. One is a "put pointer" that indicates ;;; where the next element is stored into the queue. The other is ;;; a "get pointer" that indicates the place from which the next ;;; element is retrieved. ;;; ;;; When put-ptr = get-ptr, the queue is empty. ;;; When put-ptr + 1 = get-ptr, the queue is full. (defstruct (queue (:constructor create-queue) (:print-function queue-print-function)) (elements #() :type simple-vector) ; simple vector of elements (put-ptr 0 :type fixnum) ; next place to put an element (get-ptr 0 :type fixnum) ; next place to take an element )

;; To make QUEUE-NEXT efficient, give the Compiler some hints. (eval-when (compile eval) (proclaim '(inline queue-next)) (proclaim '(function queue-next (queue fixnum) fixnum)) )

(defun queue-next (queue ptr) "Increment a queue pointer by 1 and wrap around if needed." (let ((length (length (queue-elements queue))) (try (the fixnum (1+ ptr)))) (if (= try length) 0 try)))

(defun queue-get (queue &optional (default nil)) ; return DEFAULT if the queue is empty." "Get an element from QUEUE (check-type queue queue) (let ((get (queue-get-ptr queue)) (put (queue-put-ptr queue))) (if (= get put) ;; Queue is empty. default ;; Get the element and update the get-ptr. (prog1 (svref (queue-elements queue) get) (setf (queue-get-ptr queue) (queue-next queue get))))))

;; Define a function to put an element into the queue. If the ;; queue is already full, QUEUE-PUT returns NIL. If the queue ;; isn't full, QUEUE-PUT stores the element and returns T. (defun queue-put (queue element) "Store ELEMENT in the QUEUE and return T on success or NIL on failure." (check-type queue queue) (let* ((get (queue-get-ptr queue)) (put (queue-put-ptr queue)) (next (queue-next queue put))) (unless (= get next) ;; store element (setf (svref (queue-elements queue) put) element) (setf (queue-put-ptr queue) next) ; update put-ptr t))) ; indicate success

;; Define a SETF method. (defsetf queue-get queue-put)

(defun queue-print-function (queue stream depth) "This is the function used to print queue structures." (declare (ignore depth)) (multiple-value-bind (current-size max-size) (queue-length queue) (format stream "#<Queue ~A/~A ~X>" current-size max-size (liquid::%pointer queue))))

(defun queue-length (queue) "Returns as two values the number of elements in the queue and the maximum number of elements the queue can hold." (check-type queue queue) (let ((length (length (queue-elements queue))) (delta (the fixnum (- (queue-put-ptr queue) (queue-get-ptr queue))))) (declare (fixnum length delta)) ;; The maximum number of elements the queue can hold is ;; (1- LENGTH) because a queue is empty when put-ptr = ;; get-ptr. (values (mod delta length) (the fixnum (1- length)))))

(defun queue-empty-p (queue) "Return T if QUEUE is empty." (check-type queue queue) (= (queue-put-ptr queue) (queue-get-ptr queue)))

(defun queue-full-p (queue) "Return T if QUEUE is full." (check-type queue queue) (= (queue-get-ptr queue) (queue-next queue (queue-put-ptr queue))))

;; Create a queue. The :ELEMENTS keyword specifies a simple ;; vector to hold the elements of the queue. Note that the ;; maximum number of elements the queue can hold is one less than ;; the length of the vector. (defun make-queue (&key (elements (make-array (1+ default-queue-size)))) "Create a queue." (check-type elements simple-vector) (create-queue :elements elements))

The User's Guide - 9 SEP 1996

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